Manistee Township: ready for its close-up

The late-summer round of visioning in the Lakes to Land smolders on, this time heading south to Manistee Township.

This chance to have your say in the Manistee Township master plan hasn’t come around in over a decade – the plan we’re updating was published in 2001. And speaking of previous plans, our relentless scouring of Lakes to Land leadership team members’ dusty desk drawers in search of them is beginning to pay off. Visit the Library page to rummage through our growing collection of master plans, zoning ordinances, and zoning maps related to the communities in our alliance. OK, OK, some of it may be a teeeeeny bit dry depending on your tolerance for demographic statistics, but they’re such an astonishing wealth of information about your community that it’s almost impossible to flip through one and not learn something.

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